Monday, April 19, 2010

response to J.R. Holle's blog

In J.R Holle’s blog, she discusses the health of Americans today and their food choices. She uses Michael Pollan quotes to further back up her ideas. Here is a quote I liked that she included. “In his book, Pollan suggests that an overabundance of food in America has made us indifferent towards food, causing us to eat more and enjoy less”. I agree with this idea but also feel that it is not the only reason our eating habits have changed and we have become an unhealthier nation. We are eating foods that are un-natural and lack the healthy nutrients that our species has been eating for the past 10,000 years. Food intake has turned into almost a pastime instead of a necessity and when this happens, we do not cherish the food we have. Along with this change, our perception of healthy has been shaped and altered by the government, and food and health administrations. Within the poor regulations of these administrations, food producers are able to make food as quickly and inexpensively as possible with the only thought of the consumer in mind being how can we get them to buy more. The food industry has become more of an advertisement industry. People have come to base their decisions off of what lies they see on packaging, and basing their concerns of health off what popular ideas our culture has today. Along with this, her part in the blog about low-fat processed foods makes for a dead on depiction of our food industry today.

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